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Sommelier cup


What to eat to Beaujolais wine?

Those Beaujolais wines that you can buy at our Swedish Systembolag are light, young and bouncy. They should be served rather cold, 12-14 degrees. They go perfect with fried fish and white meat. If you like to drink wine to the Christmas ham, the Beaujolais wine is perfect. At the English Beaujolais site you will find food suggestion for each Beaujolais wine. If you would like to make it simple a Friday evening, you can buy some pâté or the like and some cheese to go with the wine. If you prefer cooking you will find a collection of recipes here.

 In france

Congratulations from the tourist office in Beaujeu

Marie Th?r?se
Marie Thérèse visiting Östhammar 2006

Hello  Östhammar!
Thank you for this very nice picture which I will show around to the elected members of the Office du Tourisme.
Congratulations to the new President and to the Vice President as well , I am very proud to see that the Beaujolais society was born in Osthammar and I wish that society a lot of prosperity , we'll work deeply on that cooperation which is close to my heart.
We'll drink to celebrate this society and to the health of that cooperation during our next Office de Tourisme meeting

love from Marie Thérèse

Our friends in Belgium

Medlemmar i Durbuy

This is a picture from the annual meeting of our Beaujolais friends in Belgium - La confrérie des Fervents du Beaujolais. The meeting took place in February and our vice president, who is a member of their brotherhood too, was there. It looks really nice with the bow tie and the apron in the same wine red colour! 

Our friends in Beaujeu

S?llskapet i Beaujeu

This is gentlemen in Les compagnons du beaujolais in Beaujeu. They are traditional dressed in hats, black jackets and their green aprons. They have their silver sommelier?s cups in green and red strings.

The man who sits on the left holds a big silver cup in his hand. This is the cup that every new member has to drink from at the inauguration. The man who stands on the left holds a sword in his hand, which he uses when he dub the new member, but before that the new member has to swear the Beaujolais oath.

Now we have started...

Bildandet 0702

This is Östhammar's International Brotherhood of Beaujolais at the start the 13th February 2007. We were 15 people present at that moment, but we have already got 25 members and several more would like to join us. 

Three of our members are also members of brotherhoods in France and Belgium. When you join a brotherhood, you receive a sommelier's cup as a proof of membership. Each brotherhood has its own colour. The lady with the green apron, our president, wears the colour of Beaujeu. And the man in wine red apron, our vice president and also our ceremony master, wears the colour of the brotherhood in Bomal, Belgium. 

We have now to decide which colours we should have. At the meeting we discussed blue aprons and yellow strings for the sommelier's cups.  


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